
Production of broadcast video for big screen at the Mitsui Sumitomo VISA Taiheiyo Masters

This week, I am in charge of the production of the broadcast video for the large screen at the Mitsui Sumitomo VISA Taiheiyo Masters.
Starting tomorrow, I will also be in charge of the shot trajectory for the TV broadcast. Please watch the TV broadcast!

Responsible for shot trace for international broadcast of Tokyo Olympics golf competitions

Our company was in charge trace of shots in international broadcasts of the Tokyo Olympics golf competition.
Today, we are pleased to announce that Inami has won the silver medal in the Tokyo Olympics. Thank you to everyone who wathed on TV!
With the strict rules at the COVID-19, I feel that the experience of spending time with my friends from overseas, putting up with a convenience store dinner every day, created a special bond between us.
I really wish I could have done more to “entertain” you, but that will have to wait until next time. See you again!

NHK Trophy International Figure Skating Competition

At the NHK Trophy International Figure Skating Competition, we were in charge of the large screens at the competition venue and the public viewing venue in Sapporo Station square.
It was a happy week for those of us involved, as the weather was beautiful in Sapporo and both venues were very exciting!

Responsible for operation training and the final day of production operation on the PGA TOUR.

For today’s third round of the USPGA Tour “Rocket Mortgage Classic,” I’ll be working as a crew member for the PGA’s own internetcast, “PGA LIVE.
From 8:30am to 3:00pm, we’ll be following the two hot groups, and after 3:00pm, we’ll be on the hot holes, #15 and #17! The PGA TOUR is LIVE around the world!